Pursuit Of Happiness It’s Easier Than You Think

Filed Under (Law Firm) by Admin on 04-09-2023

By Joanie Winberg

Most people are looking for happiness and long for that true feeling of success, peace and serenity. It’s what we all strive for in our fast paced lifestyle. ‘Being happy is a choice you face every day of your life. Laughter and a sense of humor will not only help you feel better, it will help you instantly shift to high positive energy and diffuse a stressful situation,’ states Joanie Winberg in her book, Rising to the Top, A Guide to Self Development. And while we all know that happiness can help with stress, did you also know that it can be a decisive factor in your success, your rise to the top. The ability to reach all your goals and finally make the kind of money you always knew you were capable of making, lies in finding your happiness within.

As a speaker and coach, Joanie Winberg’s passion is to provide practical solutions to living a happier life, everyday. She offers the following advice on how you can have more happiness and contentment in your life, each and every day.

The pursuit of happiness begins with the gift of laughter and learning to slow down and have fun. Taking just ten minutes a day can make a huge difference in your life. Not taking that 10 minutes a day to recharge your batteries and keep your energy tank on full, is like trying to run your car on empty; you are stuck, you can’t go anywhere, you have nothing left to give. Just ten minutes a day allows you to be the best you can be for your family, your business, and especially yourself. This can be ten minutes spent to connect with your loved ones, listen to your favorite music, or ten minutes just to go out and smell the roses (literally). Although, there are no right or wrong ways to do this, find what works for you, your style, your needs, and your schedule. Keep it simple so it feels more like a lifestyle change than a chore.


Many find peace and happiness in keeping a gratitude journal, writing down daily five things they are happy for. What works even better is to journal after you’ve listened to a motivational CD, such as the one found in Winberg’s 40 Days to a Happier Life Kit. When you listen to daily motivational messages, and then write how they can apply to your life, it gives you the power to do more, be more, and succeed in all you do.

It’s also important to celebrate and treasure your talents and strengths within. Make it a point to celebrate every step of the way, no matter how small, by doing something special for yourself. You know what treats make you feel good. For some it’s a rich chocolate dessert, for others a fresh vase of flowers to decorate the office. Whatever works for you, make it a point to do it for yourself on a regular basis.

You also need to rise above the self-doubt and lack of confidence to find your true magnificence. Think about your strengths and personality qualities and make a list. So often times we all focus on the negatives of what is wrong with us. Instead, focus on the positives and see how magnificent you truly are.

Another way to fulfill your pursuit of happiness is to give back. How great does it feel when you do something for someone else and expect nothing in return? How great does it feel to know that you are making a difference in the lives of others? Winberg can attest to the positive benefits and how by helping others, her life changes for the better too. She is more energized and more confident. Winberg has been making a difference with her weekly Happy Wednesday Motivational Boosts, her work for Habitat For Humanity, and most recently at Children’s Hospital in Boston. There she is helping to raise funds for their Music Therapy Program by donating proceeds from her book. It’s been proven that music therapy provides distraction, temporary pain relief, entertainment, and communication opportunities for non-verbal and verbal patients. These are important components of healing during hospitalization. The goal is to sell 1000 books to raise $10,000 and she’s determined to do it.

Think about what you can do to give back. Many fear doing this, as they just don’t know where to begin. It all begins with taking that first step; finding a charitable organization that is helping others, and then doing your part. The good thing is it doesn’t always take money; your time can be just as valuable. And as Winberg shows, your creativity can too. Think of ways that you can use your products or services to benefit others and then go out there and do it.

What else can help you in your pursuit of happiness? Many find that financial freedom and independence is important. Jim Rohn states in Rising to the Top, ‘A little phrase that philosophically and economically changed my life is, Profits are better than wages. Wages make you a living but profits make you a fortune. First do it yourself – learn how to do it yourself – then find a need someone has and get someone else to render that service, and then someone else and then someone else. Teach them the same, and the principles of economics and capitalism, and how to go from pennies to fortune are so simple.’ Again, apply this to your life and your career and see how you can start making your fortune.

About the Author: Winberg, as a professional coach and speaker/trainer can be instrumental in helping you achieve all your goals. Stop by her site at Happy Wednesday, happywednesday.com for additional information and to sign up for her weekly motivational boosts.

Source: isnare.com

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