Skywriting Let The World See The Message

Filed Under (Design Agency) by Admin on 31-03-2023

By Kevin Rao

If you want the world to see your message, then what better way than writing it on the sky? That is what skywriting is all about. Skywriting, as name suggests is the art of writing on the sky by making use of small air-crafts. Trained pilots are employed to perform these jobs as it requires good flying skills as well as creativity. The plane ejects smoke in deliberate word patterns to form messages. In order to create the smoke, paraffin oil or any other oil with low viscosity is used in the exhaust of the planes so that, when the engine starts it gives out thick white smoke. Then the plane is flown on the skies of the desired area to create messages with the help of this smoke being emitted.

There is another type of skywriting known as sky typing, which is also used. Here the characters are written as dotted using puffs of smoke. The main strategy is generated by a computer and the eruption of the smoke is controlled by electronic signals. The required end result is achieved when the smoke blots. Usually sky writing is used by die-hard romantics who want the whole world to know their feelings and make their sweet heart fell special. Proposals for marriage, love messages, birthday wishes, company logos, advertising, SOS messages, etc are the most common types of messages that are written on the sky.


This art was started in the year 1922 by an Englishman named John C. Savage. One plane will be able to write only around 5- 6 characters at one time. So if the message is longer, then more than one plane needs to be engaged for the purpose. The messages can be spread up to15 miles depending upon the target audience. It can be designed to be viewed by the entire city at one go. Sky writing is very expensive as planes are hired to write the messages. Depending upon the length of the messages and the number of times they have to be done, the costs increase or decrease, especially for personal messages.

Another drawback of this form of messaging other than the cost is that it depends upon so many factors like the wind in the area, temperature, weather in general. For example if the day is windy, then the message will get blown off easily and will not appear very clearly. Even during very favourable weather this type of messaging holds only for a few seconds to few minutes as it is smoke. So it does not take long to disperse into the air. But on the other hand for large companies it can be cost-effective as the target audience is much larger and the time it is displayed is also more than that of any commercial on television, which is usually for a few seconds only. There are many companies throughout the world that takes up skywriting. If one wants to make an enduring impression and expenses are not an issue, then go ahead, skywrite and let the world know.

About the Author:

Skywriting In this era of advanced technology, flying banner is the most efficient way of publicity and the most modern way to display. They are so colorful, bright and eye-catching that they can be remembered for a long time. Click here for Sky Advertising


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