The Reasons Why You Must Avoid Dental Crowns}

Filed Under (Dentist) by Admin on 30-05-2023

Submitted by: Curt Eastin, DDS, ND

I’ve been a dentist since 1984 and a holistic dentist since 1998, so you may be surprised to hear me say that I hate dental crowns and avoid them like the plague. After all, crowns are the preferred treatment choice for most dentists. Dental crowns are put on a pedestal as being the most permanent of all dental restorations. So what gives … why am I saying that caps are no good?

The following scenario may have happened to many of you:

* You get decay in your tooth

* Your friendly dentist repairs the hole with a filling amalgam or possibly composite

* Over time the repair fails or perhaps the tooth splits


* Your tooth will finally be repaired with a crown ceramic, metal or porcelain fused to metal

* The procedure of crowning your tooth kills the tooth’s nerve

* Dead nerves hurt and need to be managed by having either a root canal procedure or an extraction

The crown procedure is very traumatic and often kills the tooth nerve. To prepare a tooth to receive a crown, all of the enamel and a substantial amount of the inner core dentin must be ground away. The scientific literature reveals that up to 15% of all crowned teeth will eventually need root canals or extractions because of a dead nerve. If you have a crown and did not need a root canal or an extraction, your troubles are not quite over yet.

Most people assume that once you have a crown, that tooth will never need to be treated again. After all, you just shelled out a lot of money because you a crown is supposed to be the most definitive way to fix a broken down tooth. You forget all about the tooth for 5 to 10 years, then out of the blue your dentist tells you that you have developed decay under the crown and it will have to be replaced. You’re confused. You have questions: What do you mean the crown is bad? How can a crown decay? Wasn’t the crown supposed to be the permanent solution for this tooth? Most consumers are under the impression that once a tooth is capped, that tooth will never need care ever again. The dentist discussed the options for caring for the broken down tooth and presented a cap as the best permanent solution. And so they are stunned when a number of years in the future they find out the cap has gone bad and requires replacement. Whenever a crown has gone bad, it indicates that tooth decay has developed in the gap between the tooth and the crown. About now most consumers are confused … how does a crown develop a cavity?

The dentist could give you a vague explanation or might even try to pass the buck–making it seem like its kind of your fault. They might possibly state something similar to well, all that bacterial plaque buildup around your gum-line resulted in a cavity in the tooth root that eventually got underneath the crown. Perhaps you are asking yourself, how can I only have gum-line plaque around the capped tooth? And if my plaque is responsible for the tooth decay, why aren’t my other teeth decayed as well?

Common sense would tell you that something is wrong with this story. I won’t bore you with all the technical jargon, but the truth is that all crowns will fail in time. When put in the normal pressures of chewing and biting, natural teeth flex … however, crowns made from gold or porcelain do not. Consequently, each and every occasion you close your teeth together, your tooth attempts to flex along the gum line, but it’s restrained by the circular encasing effect of the crown.

So now it is possible to put the information together and describe exactly why a number of caps break down. Anytime the teeth come together (many, many times every day), your tooth and the crown both are after something different. Your tooth needs to flex, the cap doesn’t. This struggle of rival forces creates strain at the gum line that ultimately destroys the seal in between your crown and the tooth. As soon as the seal pops and the cap begins to leak, harmful bacteria dash in to the space and a cavity forms.

The approach would be to avoid putting stiff, inflexible dental materials at the gum-line that is, do not place crowns on teeth. The theory of study commonly known as biomimetic dentistry strives to rebuild teeth in ways that mimic natural teeth. By avoiding capped teeth and placing products that bend like natural teeth at the gum line, the issue of leaky caps as well as the need to have root canal therapy following dental restorations are typically avoided.

Biomimetic dental methods are excellent substitutes to crowns, duplicate the un-restored tooth under function, offer very long-lasting dental corrections and significantly lessen the requirement for root canal treatment.

About the Author: Curt Eastin DDS, ND is a

holistic dentist

and a naturopathic physician. He earned his doctorates at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Click the following link for more information about

ultra-conservative biomimetic dentistry



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Fight Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Natural Supplements

Filed Under (Dentist) by Admin on 27-03-2023

By Darrell Miller

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is also called chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is known for its symptoms associated with extreme fatigue that cause a substantial reduction in activity level. Triggered by viral illnesses or stressful events, CFS has symptoms including general pain, mental fogginess, flu-like symptoms, gastrointestinal problems, headache, muscle and joint aches, allergies to food and medications, anxiety and depression, and a decreased sex drive. CFS patients also are victim to frequent infections, which suppress the hypothalamus and lead to a decrease in the functioning of all glands and their hormones, triggering sleep dysfunction because the body confuses day and night cycles. Therefore, people with CFS have trouble staying in a deep, restorative sleep. 800,000 people nationwide of all ages, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups have CFS at any given time. Although the severity of these symptoms may differ among people, they will hang on or reoccur frequently for more than six months and most commonly continue for three to five years.

Another cause to chronic fatigue symptom is fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). FMS, which is found in about 80% of CFS patients, is a painful shortening of muscles throughout the body, causing many tender knots in the muscles, and leading to a sleep disorder. The tender knots, which are also called trigger points, are the source of the aches and pains that people with fibromyalgia and CFS feel.


Although treating chronic fatigue syndrome is a significant challenge, an integrated treatment approached, individualized to each patient, can improve patients dramatically. The first line of treatment is medications that provide symptom relief, including medications for pain, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, depression and anxiety and flu-like symptoms. However, these medications only put a bandage on symptoms instead of addressing the root problems. As a result, medications need to be supplemented by other supportive treatments such as counseling for emotional and mental health, cognitive behavioral therapy, sleep management therapy, and massage.

There are also several vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can have powerful positive effects on a person with CFS. Each of these minerals in a chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia formula should work together to improve energy levels and overall health. Some key nutrients to look for in an energy formula include: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Inositol, Malic Acid, Betaine, Amino Acids, Zinc, Selenium, and Fructooligosaccharides. Each of these is important to ensure recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome and can be found in a powdered drink mix. In addition to the powdered energy drink mix, it is important to also take a vitamin B-complex supplement that is specifically formulated for people with CFS/FMS, which should include niacinamide, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and choline. This B-complex supplement can help fight against the symptoms of fatigue and mental ‘fogginess.’ Along with a B-complex supplement, people with CFS/FMS should also take an adrenal extract. Because many CFS/FMS patients are suffering from adrenal burnout, which occurs when adrenal glands constantly produce cortisol in response to chronic stress resulting in an exhausted adrenal reserve, it is important to use a glandular therapy regimen to ensure healthy cortisol levels and adrenal function. Be sure to buy an adrenal extract supplement that contains both whole adrenal and adrenal cortex extracts as well as vitamin C, vitamin B6, L-tyrosine, betaine, pantothenic acid and licorice.

Because of continued sleep interruption is the main cause of the symptoms of CFS/FMS, the most effective way to eliminate pain is to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. However, this can be very difficult; the muscle knots of FMS make it uncomfortable to lie in one position for an extended time, which keeps the patient from getting the adequate amount of deep sleep needed to recharge their ‘batteries.’ Herbal products can be used to help promote good quality sleep. A combination of wild lettuce, hops, Jamaica dogwood, L-Theanine, valerian, and passionflower is specially formulated for those people with CFS/FMS because each herb addresses a different aspect of sleeplessness and muscle tension. Together, these four interventions against CFS/FMS: sleep formula, morning energy drink, energy B-complex, and an adrenal complex can make a noticeable difference in CFS/FMS patients.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue can affect ones life for a long time, stop into your local health food store or visit one online for all the above mentioned items to help ease your pain and suffering.

About the Author: Visit VitaNet Health Foods at VitaNet sells high quality supplements like

Fibro Response

for a healthy body. Please link to this site when using this article.


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What You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening In Toms River

Filed Under (Dentist) by Admin on 19-09-2022

byAlma Abell

Having discolored teeth can be quite a blow to your self-esteem. This is because when your teeth have brown or yellowing coloring, smiling and even talking in public becomes really difficult. Some of the things that lead to teeth discoloration include:

Tooth care products and water that has too much fluoride

Poor dental hygiene



Drinking too much coffee

The good news is that it is completely possible to whiten your teeth regardless of the amount of discoloration in it. Below are some of the important things you need to know about teeth whitening in Toms River.

The extent of discoloration

The extent to which your teeth are discolored is what will determine the method that is going to be used. For instance, if your teeth are only slightly yellowing, you may be okay with using bleaching products. However, if your discoloration is deeper and is affecting the dentin, the dentists may try methods such as micro-abrasions. In case all the efforts fail, there is the option of getting veneers to cover the discolored teeth.

The duration of time

The amount of time it will take to whiten your teeth will also depend on how far the discoloration goes. For instance, a little yellowing can be fixed with one visit to the dentist. However, if it is more serious, the dentists will have to take time because doing too much in one visit could lead to excessive tooth sensitivity. Also, when thinking about the timeline, it is important to know that when procedures are done at the dentist’s, you start seeing the results immediately after the first visit.

Taking care of your teeth

The other thing you need to be careful about is the frequency of the whitening procedures. As mentioned, most of the processes involve scouring the enamel. If this is done over a long period of time, your teeth will become really sensitive and vulnerable. It is therefore important to make sure that you take good care of the teeth to avoid too much whitening.

These are the important things you should know about getting an Emergency Dentist to handle teeth whitening in Toms River for you. For more details, visit

How Is A Tooth Implant Procedure Done In Kailua Kona?

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 08-02-2019

byAlma Abell

For those with missing teeth, smiling can be uncomfortable. No one wants to expose their missing teeth, especially to someone they have just met. This makes it difficult to be social in many different situations. Not only are there the cosmetic issues involved, but missing teeth can also cause you to have difficulty in chewing and digesting certain foods, as well as being able to eat foods you once could enjoy. This can make life stressful for many people. With the latest advancements in dental care, there are now Tooth Implant in Kailua-Kona procedures. With these implants, missing teeth are replaced and your smile is restored.


When scheduled for your procedure, you will need to make sure you follow your dentist’s instructions. Since this is a surgical procedure, you will most likely need to avoid eating or drinking before the procedure and will need to avoid certain medications, like aspirin. Following these instructions can help your procedure to go much more smoothly. At your appointment, you will first be given anesthesia. The type you receive will depend on the amount of Tooth Implant in Kailua-Kona you are having done. If it is only one tooth, you may only need a local anesthesia, but if you are having multiple teeth replaced, you will most likely have general.

To put the implant in place, the dentist will make a small incision in the gum. Then, he or she will place the metal anchor through the gum tissue and into the bone structure, so it will hold permanently. This surgical steel anchor will be stitched into place and your gums will need time to heal before the next step in the process of getting a tooth implant in Kailua-Kona is accomplished.

Dentists normally have their patients to heal for about three weeks before they allow them to get the teeth put on their anchors. Once these teeth are in place, your smile will be completely restored and fully functioning again. If you are missing teeth and would like to learn how dental implants can help you, contact Yokoyama, Carter S. DDS and make an appointment for a consultation today.

Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentistry Provider Prevents Major Health Hazards With Snore Guard

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 16-11-2018

Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry provider Prevents Major Health Hazards with Snore Guard


Dr. Naim

LOS ANGELES, CA whether it s a cavity, root canal, cleaning or braces, we all rely on dentists to keep our mouths clean and sparkling. So, why do dentists like

Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry

provider, Dr. Neda Naim, DDS provide other treatments such as snore guards?

The answer is quite simple. Dentists are experts of the mouth, gums, and jaw. One major cause of snoring and sleep apnea comes from airway blockage by the lower jaw. In these cases, a dentist provides a patient with a snore guard that keeps the lower jaw from shifting back and blocking the throat s breathing passages. Next, one may ask: How does a snore guard provide other health benefits besides a cure for snoring?

In many cases, snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which an individual ceases to breathe or breathing is hindered during sleep. These breathing irregularities can lead to major health issues such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, memory impairment, and many other problems as well. Sleep apnea also causes sleep deprivation, which effects concentration and energy levels while awake. Also, because individuals with sleep apnea can not breathe during sleep, they wake up several times throughout the night as a reflex from asphyxiation.


Many people would think to trust sleep apnea diagnosis to doctors rather than dentists, but that s not always the case, explains Dr. Naim. I recommend patients seeking both doctors and dentists for proper diagnosis. Sleep apnea can occur from many factors, not just jaw alignment, and treatment varies depending on the situation.


Whereas many sleep apnea treatments involve intensive testing and surgery, dentists can provide a simpler, non-invasive sleep apnea solution. This treatment comes in the form of a lightweight mouthpiece.

If after diagnoses I find that jaw alignment is causing the patient to experience cessation of breathing, I provide my patients with a mouthpiece that realigns the jaw and allows a natural breathing passage during sleep, says Dr. Naim, a

Los Angeles dentist

. “It’s a great device. I’ve never heard of patients complaining about wearing the mouthpiece, probably because they’re sleeping much better and not waking up other household members with their snoring.”

Diagnosing jaw alignment of a patient is done primarily through a sleep test adds the Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry practitioner. According to, sleep tests monitor several factors such as air passageways and brain signals during sleeping hours. These measurements determine where the air blockages occur, which tells physicians and dentists how to best treat the condition.

After diagnosis, the dentist measures the patient s jawline and orders a snore guard for fabrication at a dental lab. Within two weeks the snore guard is in the hands of the patient and the patient can enjoy restful sleep without hindrances. And of course patients have the great benefit of not snoring anymore as well.

Snore Guard

The snore guard is a small plastic device that shifts the lower jaw forward during sleep. This eliminates the possibility for the lower jaw to constrict the airways in the esophagus and removes breathing irregularities while sleeping.

“A very important factor to consider when choosing treatment is cost,” says Dr. Naim. “A mouthpiece is far cheaper than surgery or prescription drugs, and the treatment is reversible. Wearing a mouthpiece may not be the funnest thing in the world, but it’s not painful to wear and saves patients a lot of money.”

In addition to snore guards, Dr. Naim provides other special services such as athletic sports guards and bad breath treatment. Her dental services include cleanings, sealants, root canals, crowns, veneers, bonding, dentures, dental implants, and teeth whitening. Dr. Naim is also a certified Los Angeles Invisalign provider.

2010 Sinai free SEO Marketing. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.Learn More

To learn more about Dr. Naim s snore guard treatment, visit the

Los Angeles dental implants

provider s Web site:

; contact Dr. Naim at her practice, located at 11645 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 804, Los Angeles, California; or call: (310) 479-7852 to schedule a consultation.

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P90x Resistance Bands Vs. Bodylastics

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 27-07-2018

By Seomul Evans

We have all heard about the amazing results of the P90X; many of the exercises in this program require the usage of resistance bands. Two of the most popular products in this category are Bodylastics and the P90X resistance bands and people often wonder which is better. So let’s analyze the answer to this question and who knows you may be taken by surprise.

Recently a client of mine was handed the pink slip and couldn’t afford to go on with the services of a personal trainer. I felt terrible about the situation because he had just started making good progress and right when he was close to achieving his fitness goals, he gets thrown out of his job. But c’est la vie.

However, he was determined to continue working on his fitness and so he promised me that he would keep up with his workout sessions on his own at home and would get in touch with me every week by phone. Recently, he received the P90X program DVD’s from a friend. He found it very impressive and could not wait to start on it. Now there are several routines in the P90X program that require the use of basic equipment devices like dumbbells, resistance bands and push bars or stands.

So when we spoke last, he had a question about the P90X bands and the Bodylastics, basically he wanted to know which would give better results.


Since I already had the Bodylastic exercise bands I went ahead and bought the P90X bands as well; these are also called the B Line Resistance Bands. I wanted to compare both products even though I was quit happy with the results that I was getting out of the Bodylastic exercise bands.

Bodylastic vs P90X Resistance Bands

The most conspicuous difference between these two products is the ability to attach up to 7 bands to a single handle with Bodylastics, so in essence the product not only works as a resistance band but also as an adjustable dumbbell.

The second factor that sets these two products apart is the life time warranty that the manufacturers of Bodylastic resistance bands offer on their product. On the other hand, the P90X does not come with any warranty; there was certainly no mention of a warranty on the product packaging or their website. So essentially, owning the Bodylastic resistance band is practically risk free. If anything happens to the equipment even after you have used it consistently for years you can simply send the product back to the manufacturers and they will repair it for you at no cost at all.

The cost of a basic B line Resistance band kit complete with 2 sets of handles and 3 bands is a little less than $40 which is a bargain price considering the amazing benefits that you can get from this product.

As compared to this, the Bodylastic basic level tension system is slightly more expensive at $46 but you also get more workout potential with 2 handles and 4 bands, a door anchor and a set of ankle straps. So you will be able to do exercises like the LAT pull down machine with this product. Bodylastics is so useful that you can perform nearly 140 exercises with this product.

Apart from these, you also get a video on circuit training and an annual membership of video training center when you buy Bodylastic bands. So even though you will end up paying about $4 to $6 more for Bdylastics, the additional tools are well worth the price and make this product better than the P90X resistance bands.

Another advantage of buying the Bodylastic resistance bands is the 60 day money back guarantee that you get on this product as opposed to the 30 day money back guarantee offered on the P90X bands. However, this also means that you can try both these products risk free and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

About the Author: Seomul Evans is

Website Marketing

Consultant for Extremely Fit a leading



P90X Workout



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Cyklokapron Prevent Excessive Bleeding After Tooth Extractions

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 14-07-2018

Cyklokapron – prevent excessive bleeding after tooth extractions



Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) is a drug which is used for the reducing or preventing excessive bleeding after tooth extractions in patients suffering from hemophilia. It is usually given before the dental procedure and daily for at least 8 days after the treatment. Cyklokapron medicine is an antifibrinolytic agent. It helps in blocking the breakdown of blood clotting. It is basically used for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding. Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) is a prescription drug and can also be used for other conditions as suggested by the doctor or health care professional.

Does Cyklokapron medicine has any serious affect on the eyes?

Cyklokapron drug may cause some serious side effects to the eyes of the patient during the treatment. It is always recommended that you should go for regular eye checkups once in a week or as suggested by the doctor or health care professional during the whole treatment.

Does Cyklokapron drug interact with my other kidney medicines?


Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine may or may not interact with your other medication. You should always inform your doctor or health care professional if you are taking any other medicines while using Cyklokapron treatment.

Should I continue using Cyklokapron medicine during pregnancy?

Pregnant and nursing women should not use Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine as it may cause harm to health of unborn and nursed child. It is also exerted in breast milk. You should not purchase Cyklokapron drug without consulting your doctor or health care professional during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What is the recommended dosage of Cyklokapron?

You should always use Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine exactly as directed by your doctor or health care professional. However, you can take Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine 2-4 times a day. Do not make any dosage adjustments or change the duration of treatment without consulting your doctor or health care professional.

Will I suffer from any side effects while using Cyklokapron treatment?

Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine may cause some common side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and pain in head. It may also cause some serious side effects such as swelling of face, mouth or lips, heart problems, difficulty in breathing, pain in chest, unusual tiredness and few other allergic reactions. It is a prescription medicine and should be used only when it is recommended by the doctor or health care professional. If you notice any problems while using Cyklokapron (Tranexamic) medicine then you should immediately inform your doctor or health care professional about it.

Read about

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also read how to

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Implant Dentistry In New York Creates Gapless Smiles

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 14-06-2018


You’ve lost some teeth. It doesn’t matter if this due to an accident or poor health, the bottom line is you don’t want to open your mouth—ever—because you’re embarrassed by the gaps in your smile. Implant dentistry in New York helps patients recover their confidence by filling the spaces with natural-looking and feeling false teeth, and there are plenty of options from which to choose that make this procedure perfect for any patient.

Single-tooth Implant


For a single-tooth replacement, your dentist will likely opt to use a crown. The process will take multiple visits, but it will be worth it in the end. You will undergo a consultation, and once agreed upon, the work on your implant will begin. This includes a “built-in abutment” that is screwed into your jawbone that will hold your new tooth in place. Once the abutment has had time to secure into the bone, your replacement tooth will be affixed to it, and you needn’t worry about the missing tooth in the meantime. A temporary false tooth will sit in the gap.

Multiple Teeth Implants

If you were on the wrong side of a hockey puck and lost a few teeth, you also have the option of the single-tooth methods with, of course, screws and replacement teeth in each empty space. If this is not a viable option for some reason, or if you just don’t want to undergo the process of having screws and replacement teeth inserted into each tooth socket, you can have a bridge made, which is a set of false teeth in the number of crowns required, that will be supported by an extension inserted into your mouth.

Full-teeth Implants

Implant dentistry in New York covers those needing all their teeth replaced as well, and the procedure for full-teeth implants is the same as for those suffering from single or multiple-tooth loss. If want a natural feel to your “falsies,” abutments can be fixed for each tooth in your jaw to secure the artificial teeth that you will never have to remove. You will treat these implants as you did your natural teeth.

For those wishing a less invasive procedure, full-mouth bridges and dentures are the way to go. Keep in mind, however, that these implants must be removed and cared for daily, so you will be handling your in-home dental care differently. Either way, implant dentistry in New York can give you a mouthful of beautiful, natural looking teeth, which will restore your confidence and smile.

Implant dentistry in New York restores Big Apple smiles to their original brilliance. Whether you are missing one tooth, multiple teeth, or your entire mouthful, implant dentistry in New York will determine the best option and then replace the empty spaces with natural looking false teeth.

What Does A Mom Do About Teeth

Filed Under (Dentist) by on 06-05-2018

What Does a Mom Do About Teeth


Bebe Ordway

Dentists become very important when you are a Mom. A Mom is responsible for the health and well being of her children. One of those health issues is the care of your child\’s teeth. It is important to involve dentists early in children\’s lives. When my oldest child was just two years old, I could tell that there was something going on with his front baby teeth. Once I saw the problem, I was all about finding dentists to get dental services for him. I began searching for dentists in our area. The Payson dentist I found, took great care of my child. He was also a big support to me, as I found out that the cause of my son\’s problems was bottle mouth.

Although the Payson dentists are not specifically Pediatric dentists, I was able to trust them fully with the work on my son\’s oral care. General dentistry care takers work on the whole family, regardless of age. This was nice, as I could go to just one place for all of our dental treatment. The dental services we received from the dentists, for our son was a relief. They gave us support and understanding as they went to work to take care of what is considered a preventable dental health issue. You might expect dentists to lecture you, but they didn\’t.


I felt guilty and upset at myself for allowing my son to drink a bottle of milk to go to sleep at night. I guess I had known that from dentists in the past, however, as a tired Mom, I just got in the bad habit of doing what worked. The dentists at my Payson Dentist office were so nice about it though. They went to work for the treatment and care of the teeth, then gave me support and instruction for oral care in the future, non-judgmental instructions, just facts that I needed to be reminded of from professional dentists.

As a Mom, you never want to be responsible for causing a health concern for your child. To be told by the dentists that the issue could have been preventable is nothing short of humbling. Now I am adamant about getting my Children into the dentists for their regular dental health care visits. We go to those same dentists that helped me with my son. I support healthy eating, and foods that work to support dental health. I never want it said of me again, that I was the cause or the lack of my general care was the cause of any dentistry issue, like a root canal, or some other dental health issue. I want to be able to look my dentists in the eye and say, \”I am doing my best.\”

I now take my children for regular general check-ups, every six months, just as the dentists have recommended. We work to take care of our teeth at home, as well. We brush our teeth morning and night, and floss everyday. I now know that dental services are a big support for this home regiment.

My Payson Dentists attended accredited dental schools and are members of the American Dental Association. This helps me have confidence in the dentists ability to provide health services for all the work on my family\’s teeth. My initial search for dentists has really paid off. I count on them for all of the oral care and dental health in our lives. If I ever need a root canal or wish to have cosmetic dentistry done, I can be assured that these dentists, Payson dentists, can care for my needs without judgement. They only care that they provide the best dental care and dental services that they possibly can. They are in the business of making smiles and they sure gave me reason s to grin.

As a Mom, you never want to be responsible for causing a health concern for your child. To be told by the dentists that the issue could have been preventable is nothing…. Learn more at

dentists payson


dentist payson

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